Saturday, May 22, 2010

I need help fixing my C++ function program!!?

string lab10identification(){

string labId = "lab 10 Jkim";

return labId;


char getLetterGrade(int gradeIn) {

if (gradeIn %26gt;= 90 %26amp;%26amp; gradeIn %26lt;= 100)

return 'A';

if (gradeIn %26gt;= 80 %26amp;%26amp; gradeIn %26lt;= 90)

return 'B';

if (gradeIn %26gt;= 70 %26amp;%26amp; gradeIn %26lt;= 80)

return 'C';

if (gradeIn %26gt;= 60 %26amp;%26amp; gradeIn %26lt;= 70)

return 'D';

if (gradeIn %26gt;= 0 %26amp;%26amp; gradeIn %26lt;= 59)

return 'F';


int getNumericGrade(){

int grade;

cout %26lt;%26lt; "Enter a grade(-1 to 100, -1 to stop): ";

cin %26gt;%26gt; grade;

return grade;


int main() {

int grade;

char letterGrade;

string labId;


do {

grade = getNumericGrade();

if (grade != -1) {

letterGrade = getLetterGrade(grade);

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The student's letter grade is: " %26lt;%26lt; letterGrade %26lt;%26lt; endl;


else if(grade %26lt; -1 %26amp;%26amp; grade %26gt; 100)

cout %26lt;%26lt; "The number is out of range. Try again" %26lt;%26lt; endl;


while (grade != -1);

cout %26lt;%26lt; "Good-bye" %26lt;%26lt; endl;

I need help fixing my C++ function program!!?
You need to swap the conditions in your if %26amp; else if statements.

Also, it should be (grade %26lt; -1 || grade %26gt; 100). With %26amp;%26amp; it will never work.
Reply:ok look, the return statement is NOT to print to the screen

if you wanna print from that function you have to do something like

string lab10identification(){

string labId = "lab 10 Jkim";

cout %26lt;%26lt; labld;

return labId;


and the reason why your check for a wrong number is not working is because when you do this...

else if(grade %26lt; -1 %26amp;%26amp; grade %26gt; 100)

the value of grade can NEVER be LESS than -1 AND greater than 100

you need the OR ( || ) operator instead of AND

because by using the and operator it goes back to the do-segment ..since the value is -6...and it gets into the if( number!= -1) and it prints for a number...รบ

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